Ford F-150 (1996-2008) Fuse Replacement DIY

Replace the fuses in your Ford F150 with this Do It Yourself

Works For:
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Ford F-150 Models

Source: DIYMyRide

Replacing the fuses on the F150 is similar to any other vehicle. Take for example, the Nissan Altima. The difference with the procedure with the Altima is that Ford recommends that owners should only tinker with the fuse box in the passenger compartment. Ford does not encourage people to look at the power distribution box in the engine compartment unless one is a qualified technician.

But outside of that, there’s really not much difference. Just open up the fuse box, look at the diagram to look for the fuse you want to check, use the fuse puller tool to remove the fuse, and push the new fuse in. And that’s it. If the new fuse still breaks, then you’ve got to call your dealer or mechanic.

Another similarity is that you won’t need tools for this.

Now, for the difference of fuse box location between the F150 models.

For the ‘96-’03 models, the fuse box is on the lower left-hand corner of the instrument panel. It’s just above the brake pedal.

For thr ‘04-’08 models, the fuse box is on the lower right-hand corner of the instrument panel. Additionally, you also have to remove the trim panel and pull on the PULL tab to remove the fuse cover. But after the fuse cover removal, it’s business as usual.

Important Note:

When replacing fuses, as always, match the amperage of the fuse that you’re replacing. Check the manual for your F150 or look at the diagram box. The fuses are also color-coded to help you choose the right replacement type to get.

And so, that’s that for the F150 fuse replacement.

Info from :

Ford F150 Owner’s Manual

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