Infiniti G Series (2003-2006) Front Brakes DIY

Use this DIY to Replace the Front Brakes of a Infiniti G35 (Third Generation G Series)

Works For:
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Infiniti G Series

Source: Rotorman13b

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One Response to “Infiniti G Series (2003-2006) Front Brakes DIY”

  1. Hello AUTODIY guys. Thanks so much for the very useful step by step instructions on changing the battery on an Infiniti G35x. The job would have been much more difficult and time consuming without your info. In fact, I might have given up and brought it to the dealer.

    My car is a 2007 but the instructions still worked well…there was a fifth plug holding in the shroud however but i found it without any trouble.

    Thanks again, Richie

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